Ages 3 months to 6 years old
Babies to Grade R
Baby Centre 3 months to 12 months
Little Toddlers
1 year old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old (Grade 000)
5 years old (Grade 00)
6 years old (Grade R)
The school is open Monday to Friday from 06h30am until 5h30pm
School program starts promptly at 08h30am until 12h30pm
Children have a rest after lunch and then can take part in outdoor free play activities until they are collected
Children are to be collected no later than 5h30pm
Breakfast is available for all children from 08h00am until 08h30am
Breakfast, snacks and lunch is provided
Parents are welcome to pack a small snack box for the mid-afternoon snack time
We supply a variety of food and fruits in our daily menu
School Terms
Holiday Care
Extra Murals